How WE can help

Personal support

Our Personal Support Program is a tailored approach to empowerment.

Our dedicated Case Management Team works closely with each individual, creating personalized plans and guiding them toward achieving their unique goals while overcoming their challenges. We're committed to providing comprehensive support, helping immigrant women navigate challenges, access vital resources, and unlock their full potential.

We are stronger, when we are together!

Psychological and emotional support

Our Psychological and Emotional Support Program is dedicated to Russian-speaking immigrant women.

We understand that life can present unexpected challenges, and our program is designed to provide immediate assistance when needed most. At WEIRA, Inc., we believe in short-term interventions that yield long-term results. With our support, immigrant women can address their immediate emotional needs and, when they're ready, pursue a path toward lasting emotional wellness and success.

Our compassionate team of immigrant professionals offers psychological support, various coaching types, crisis intervention, and access to support groups, all at no cost to our clients. We provide a confidential space for immediate assistance, empowering women to overcome challenges, rebuild their lives, and achieve emotional well-being.

Professional support

Our passionate Professional Support Team is deeply committed to empowering Russian-speaking immigrant women in their career and personal growth.

Our diverse team, which includes HR professionals, offers a comprehensive array of services including coaching, mentorship, resume building, interview skills, job search strategies, networking, language skills, cultural adaptation, business development, and career transitions.

We're here to help women overcome any obstacles they encounter in pursuit of their professional goals.

Networking and mentoring

The slogan for our Networking Meetings - a quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “… there is only one true luxury, that of human relationships.”

At our Networking Meetings, we create a powerful space where the strength, energy, and love of women come together. Share your business, passions, and yourself, gain knowledge from speakers and support women-owned businesses by purchasing exclusive products.

Make valuable connections, find friends, and extend a helping hand to women in need. Participate in mentoring opportunities to empower and uplift each other. Your involvement fuels our programs for women in crisis.

Mentoring programs for women immigrants provide valuable guidance, support, and a sense of community. They help with skill development, career advancement, cultural integration, and emotional support, empowering women to thrive personally and professionally in their new environment. Mentoring programs can significantly enhance the integration and success of women immigrants in their new environment, empowering them to thrive personally and professionally.